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We'll sustain big plans on infrastructure- Buhari

We'll sustain big plans on infrastructure- Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari, has reassured Nigerians that his administration will sustain massive investments to upgrade and develop the country’s transport and power infrastructure. 

President Buhari stated this when he received members of the Association of Retired Career Ambassadors of Nigeria (ARCAN) led by Ambassador Oladapo Fafowora.

The President told the retired Ambassadors that Nigerians will never forget the ‘‘lost opportunity between 1999 and 2015,’’ when the nation had huge resources at its disposal.   

President Buhari also used the occasion to appreciate the People’s Republic of China for financing some of the rail and power projects in the country through concessionary loans.

President Buhari also appealed to the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to consider what this government inherited and the more it is doing with fewer resources in putting the economy right.  

The President took note of some concerns raised by the retired Ambassadors including an appeal for the adjustment of their pension entitlements, retention of diplomatic passport for retired career ambassadors, allocation of land for ARCAN headquarters in Abuja and adequate funding of the Foreign Affairs ministry, among others.

Leader of the delegation, Oladapo Fafowora thanked the president for the audience granted them, promising him of the group’s supports especially in the coming general elections.


Report by Nnabuchi Nnabuchi

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